CoC Mission

CoC Mission

The Lex End Homelessness Continuum of Care is the backbone of the LEH movement.

By bringing together our partners’ experience, passion, and expertise, we’re working together to end and prevent homelessness for all. Our goals, values, and priorities are:

  • Our goal is to design a system that reacts quickly to a homeless occurrence and to end the occurrence within 30 days of presentation. 

  • Our goal is to operate a system that allows the Lexington CoC to access the maximum amount of funding available from state and federal resources based on outstanding performance to end and reduce homelessness.

  • We value and prioritize quality programming that is accountable to the community through outcomes measurement.

  • We value and prioritize programs with outcomes that demonstrate progress toward reducing and ending homelessness as quickly as possible.

  • We value and prioritize innovative and diverse programming that addresses gaps in community services.

  • We value continuing education for housing and homeless providers. At least annually, OHPI will conduct Lexington-Fayette County-wide training on the housing triage process, case management, cultural diversity, fair housing, sub-population traits, and the goals/strategies to end homelessness in our community.

  • We value private and personal information and adhere to the KYHMIS Agency Participation Agreements principles and policies both in verbal sharing of information and the securing of hardcopy and electronic storage of information.

  • We prioritize our most critical homeless individuals and families first. 

  • We prioritize participating in the process as a community initiative operated by community members and the multiple services available throughout Lexington-Fayette County through various people, programs, organizations and partners.