Better Together
When we work together, we create a seamless, efficient path to stable housing for all. Taking action isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. And when we move together, the community thrives.
The Lex End Homelessness Continuum of Care
We're working together to coordinate policies, strategies, and actions to end homelessness
Lex End Homelessness is fueled by the strength of dozens of nonprofit organizations, partners, and advocacy groups that together make up our community’s Continuum of Care (or CoC). The Lex End Homelessness CoC is the comprehensive network of partners and leaders in our community that work together to coordinate the policies, strategies, and actions that end and prevent homelessness.
Our housing triage system
We're coordinating our efforts to ensure fair access to housing for all
Coordinated entry is the process by which all people experiencing homelessness in Lexington are supported with access to housing resources. Any organization in Lexington may participate by having staff who can assess an individual or family for their strengths in resolving their homelessness and by allowing other housing partners and partner organizations to meet regularly and review housing and supportive services options based on each individual or family’s needs and strengths.
How to join the Lex End Homelessness Continuum of Care (CoC)
Join the movement and become a partner
Partnership is free and highly encouraged for any organization working in the field of human services. You can apply by filling out our MOU form and submitting it via email. For questions call (859) 280-8274 or email [email protected]
Upcoming meetings & events
Get informed and stay involved with Lex End Homelessness
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