Resources for Partners

Welcome to the LEH Resources for Partners page!

The resources on this page include policies, procedures, applications, and forms for Continuum of Care providers and community partners.

The resources on this page will be updated as needed. If you are unable to locate a resource, or if you have any trouble accessing any of the resources linked below, send us an email to let us know: [email protected] or [email protected]

Lex End Homelessness CoC Materials

Resources related to the operation of the Lex End Homelessness Continuum of Care.

Strategic Planning

Local and federal strategic plans to guide the work to prevent and end homelessness.

Program Standards

Housing Triage System

Documents and resources related to the Housing Triage System—the Lex End Homelessness CoC's Coordinated Entry system—to facilitate access to housing resources for those experiencing homelessness

CoC Competition Documents

Materials related to the local CoC competition process, including the submitted Priority Listing and CoC Consolidated Applications

Emergency Weather Plans

Local homelessness response system plans that outline resources and procedures activated by extreme weather conditions

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

Documents and forms related to the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

Sample Data Collection Forms